The copy editing service includes…
- proofreading (correction of errors in spelling, grammar, etc.)
- removal of repetition and redundancy
- rewording of awkward text
- minor restructuring
- rephrasing to clarify key points
At your request, I can also…
- format the text (ensuring consistency in type face(s), line spacing, text sizing, etc.)
- format the headings and create a dynamic contents page
- create a dynamic list of tables and figures
- generate a list of abbreviations used in the text
I use Microsoft Word’s track changes tool, so you can easily assess all my edits.
I also provide comments on any recurring issues in the writing (spelling, grammar, style, syntax, etc). In this way, I hope to provide a service that also helps you to improve your future writing.
This service costs 2p per word (£20 for 1,000 words).
*If you would like this formatting service without copy editing, do contact me for a quote.
What’s the difference between proofreading and copy editing? Click here for details.